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Marie-Eve Potvin named Provincial Track Lead Commissaire for 2024-2026

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After 4 years of serving as the Provincial Track Lead, Benjamin Hill’s appointment has come to an end. Benjamin has been a dedicated member of Ontario Cycling’s Officiating Committee and a key part of the officiating team across multiple disciplines. Benjamin has dedication to mentoring up and coming Commissaires as well as his dedicated work ethic has not gone unnoticed. Ontario Cycling would like to thank Benjamin for all his hard work in providing guidance to the Track Committee, the Ontario Cycling office and Ontario Cycling Officials Committee.

Starting in June 2024, Marie-Eve Potvin will be Provincial Track Lead, one of 4 members of the Ontario Cycling Officials Committee. Marie-Eve is a certified level A Commissaire in Track and has officiated in many events from regional to international level events all over the province. Ontario Cycling would like to give a warm welcome to Marie-Eve and looks forward to working with her in this upcoming term.

The post Marie-Eve Potvin named Provincial Track Lead Commissaire for 2024-2026 appeared first on Ontario Cycling.


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