How to find out if something is copyrighted - a quick guide
Copyright protection of your work is a very important part of protecting your valuable intellectual property. However, many creators neglect to take care on the opposite side of things – how to find out if something is copyrighted. Well, let’s learn how!First – get all of my FREE video game law eBooks by signing up below!What is copyright?Copyright is one of four main types of intellectual property that are protected by US law. Copyright law protects original works of authorship, which can be any number of types of creative works, including:DrawingsPaintingsPhotographsComputer software codeSculptures and 3d modelsWritingDance choreographySound recordingsMusical compositions, etc.The important thing with copyright is that it’s more than just an idea – it has to be “fixed in a tangible medium of expression.” This sounds more complicated than it is. You basically just have to transfer the thing to be protected from your mind to something more tangible.For example, if you have a poem insid...