Survey: Understanding Baseball5's impact on interest and engagement with Baseball
The WBSC has launched an online survey to understand the impact of Baseball5 on the interest and engagement with Baseball. The survey is open to public and can be completed here.
You can read and answer the survey in four languages (English, French, Japanese and Spanish) and includes questions about peoples' interest in Baseball and Baseball5; the influence of both disciplines in behaviour changes; and knowledge about both disciplines. It takes about five minutes to complete the questionaire.
The survey is open to public and can be completed here.
Baseball5 is the WBSC's mixed-gender, urban discipline, introduced in 2017. In less than a decade, it has rapidly expanded worldwide, reaching countries and regions previously unfamiliar with or lacking access to Baseball.
The study is important in order to understand the relationship between the two disciplines, and it will also contribute to the development of international projects for Baseball5 and Baseball.