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4 Strategies & 3 Myths About Multiple Choice Questions

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Devin Brooks Senior Digital Marketing Analyst March 23, 2023 Multiple choice questions can be tricky, but there are strategies and tips for taking multiple choice tests that can give you the extra edge. Love em’ or hate em’, but nearly every standardized exam uses multiple choice questions to measure your knowledge. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with some strategies that can help you avoid confusion and missed questions. Here are some multiple choice taking strategies, along with some myths and misconceptions to be aware of.4 Strategies for test day1. Qualifiers and modifiersWhile reading the question, look for qualifiers and modifiers that can change the meaning of the question. The correct answer to a question can change depending on a qualifier or modifier, such as ‘always’, ‘sometimes’, or ‘except’. Circle these key words so they stand out to you as you think about the question.Fully read the questions multiple times and circle key words before even reading your...


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