User:Clairyx/Standard Raid Foods - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
Up to date as of July 7, 2018. Contents1 Power1.1 Notes2 Condition2.1 Notes3 Chrono/Boons3.1 Notes4 Heal4.1 NotesPower[edit]Standard FoodEffectStandard UtilityEffectBowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup+100 Power +70 FerocitySuperior Sharpening StoneGain power equal to 3% of your precision. Gain power equal to 6% of your ferocity.Tin of FruitcakeGain power equal to 3% of your precision. Gain power equal to 6% of your ferocity.Budget FoodEffectBudget UtilityEffectAvocado Smoothie+80 Power +60 FerocityHardened Sharpening StoneGain power equal to 2% of your precision. Gain power equal to 4% of your ferocity.Plate of Truffle Steak+100 Power +70 PrecisionPlate of Orrian Steak Frittes+100 Power +70 VitalitySteamed Red Dumpling+200 Power for 30 seconds on Kill +140 Condition Damage for 30 seconds on Kill +25% Magic Find during Lunar New YearNotes[edit]Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (usually shortened to BoSaSBnSS or Butternut Soup) is by far the most expensive food to p...