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CIA and the JFK Assassination

What has definitely been revealed by Trump's opening of the files is that the CIA did play a role in the assassination. So far, there is nothing to prove they orchestrated it, made it happen, although that might surface later. For now, what we know is the CIA was VERY MUCH aware of Oswald's intentions to kill JFK, and the CIA purposely never shared that intelligence with the Secret Service. The CIA made not have actively recruited Oswald, but they did allow him to carry out his plans. And then covered it up...until recently.

As for a second shooter. I have always thought there was one on the Grassy Knoll. The vivid head shot to Kennedy came from the front-right, from the direction of the knoll. And, I also believe there was actually a third shooter, directly behind Kennedy's car that fired the shot that first struck Kennedy and Governor Connally. Oswald fired three shots in 8 seconds and all three of his shots missed. One struck a branch on the tree next to the Book Depository, his second shot was high and hit the railroad bridge in the distance, and his third shot was short and to the right of Kennedy's car, bouncing off the pavement and landing in the grass field of Dealy Plaza. Oswald's rifle was a very loud Italian-made Mauser, the two real shooters had modern rifles with silencers. The "magic bullet" produced as a shot that killed Kennedy is pristine because it was taken from Oswald's rifle, a bullet never fired. Oswald had a 6-shot clip and fired three times.


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