What do wedding rings and the circle of a ring symbolise?
Wedding ringshave been worn since ancient Egyptian times, when they were woven from plants that grew alongside the river Nile. They were later incorporated into the Christian and Jewish wedding ceremonies, and it became common for the bride to be given a ring as a symbol of eternal love when she got married. More recently both the bride and groom receive a wedding ring on their wedding day, however the tradition and symbolism of the ring is as strong today as it’s ever been. So, what do wedding rings and the circle of a ring symbolise?The wedding ring is a symbolThat speaks of your love for each other,an agreement between you both to love and cherish one another for the rest of yourdays.is a reminder of the one person to which you have sworn your devotion.And as jewellery, it enhances the hand, just as one life, through the joining of marriage, enhances another.Wedding rings are, of course, circular in shape and this in itself carries a symbolic meaning for the couple getting married....