'RIVEN' Review – An Okay VR Port of an Awesome Game Still Worth Playing
RIVEN (1997), the sequel to iconic point-and-click puzzle-adventure MYST (1993),just got the VR treatment in its newremake. UnlikeMyst,whichfelt a little too game-y and obtuse at times, Rivenplays a lot more like a modern title, which thanks to Quest and SteamVR support, is true in every sense of the word now. Granted, you’ll need to look past some VR implementation issues which keep it from feeling like a ground-up VR native, although however you play, you’ll beexploring a fascinating world that’s both puzzle-dense and undeniably beautiful at every turn.RIVEN Details:Available On:Quest 2/3,SteamVRReviewed On:Quest 3, Quest 3 via LinkRelease Date:June 25th, 2024Price:$35Developer:Cyan WorldsGameplayI know Riven pretty well by now, having shuffled my way around its five PlayStation 1 discsa number of times as a kid. This is the first time popping back in as an adult though, so I kind of get the chance to not only relive a bit of the past, but rediscover puzzles long forgotten, this time...