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Best Practices for Using NVIDIA RTX Ray Tracing (Updated) | NVIDIA Technical Blog

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This post is an update of Best Practices: Using NVIDIA RTX Ray Tracing.This post gathers best practices based on our experiences so far using NVIDIA RTX ray tracing in games. The practical tips are organized into short, actionable items for developers working on ray tracing today. They aim to provide insight into what kind of solutions lead to good performance in most cases. To find the optimal solution for a specific case, I always recommend profiling and experimenting.Common abbreviations and short terms used in this post:AABB: Axis-aligned bounding boxAS: Acceleration structureBLAS: Bottom-level acceleration structureGeometry: A geometry in a BLASInstance: An instance of a BLAS in a TLASTLAS: Top-level acceleration structureAcceleration structuresThis section focuses on the building and management of ray-tracing acceleration structures, which is the starting point for using ray tracing for any purpose. Topics include:General tipsMaximizing GPU utilization when buildingMemory allocat...


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