Discover the 2024 Indications and Benefits of Physiotherapy Wax Bath - Physio Health Expert
A Physiotherapy wax bath, also known as a paraffin wax bath, is a treatment that involves the use of warm paraffin wax to soothe and relieve pain in various parts of the body. The therapy is commonly used in Physiotherapy to alleviate pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints and muscles.The paraffin wax used in the treatment is a type of mineral wax that is derived from petroleum. Its low melting point makes it an ideal material for creating a warm, therapeutic bath. The wax is melted and maintained comfortably in a special Wax Bath machine.During the treatment, the affected body part is immersed in the warm Wax Bath for a few seconds and removed. The wax forms a coating around the body, retaining heat and providing a gentle, moist heat therapy. Physiotherapy Wax Bath are commonly used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, sprains, and strains. It is also used to improve joint mobility, reduce muscle spasms, and increase range of motion. The treatment is safe and effective and can be...