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Bobby Witt Jr. suffers forearm contusion after being hit by pitch

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Photo by David Durochik/Diamond Images via Getty Images

Kansas City collectively breathes a sigh of relief.

The games are not real, but the injuries can be.

The Royals received a scare on Wednesday afternoon when Bobby Witt Jr. exited the contest against the Mariners after getting hit on the left forearm by a 96 mph fastball from reliever Andrés Muñoz.

We don’t have video, so it’s hard to say if it glanced his forearm or hit it dead on. Initial reports had him being hit in the hand/wrist area, so the forearm seems less less dangerous.

The Royals certainly would pull him out of precaution, but its hard to know at this point if this is anything serious.

At least the Royals still have two weeks to go before the season opener if the All-Star shortstop needs to sit out for a bit. Fingers crossed it isn’t long.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Update: Bobby Witt Jr. suffered a contusion.


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