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Eligible Entities, Defining Eligible Entities

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Each entity is responsible for determining its eligibility to report to and/or query the NPDB and must certify that eligibility to the NPDB when registering with the NPDB. Although the sections below describe eligible entities, entities are responsible for verifying their legal obligation or eligibility under applicable laws and regulations. The terms defined below are not mutually exclusive, and entities may qualify as more than one type of eligible entity. Entities should carefully review all terms and definitions prior to registering. When registering with the NPDB, entities certify their eligibility to participate based on the most appropriate eligible entity category. However, if an entity meets the definition of multiple entity categories, the entity must comply with all applicable querying, reporting, and other requirements. For example, if an entity is registered as a hospital under all three statutes but is also a self-insured medical malpractice payer, the entity is responsib...


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