Ticketmaster - Help
Got questions about getting tickets to events? Ever wondered what those service charges are for? Check out this ticket buying guide and find out everything you ever wanted to know about purchasing tickets through Ticketmaster. Ticket Availability Explained Ticket Prices Explained Buying Tickets Customer Service Where Can I Buy Tickets?Ticket Availability Explained Can I improve my odds for getting tickets by purchasing through one particular distribution channel? When an event goes on sale, tickets can be purchased online, by phone or in person. We do not reserve a specific amount of tickets for different distribution channels, so the odds of getting tickets are the same no matter how you choose to get your tickets. From time to time, promoters conduct "internet only presales" or other promotions that are available via only one distribution channel. In such a promotion, you can only purchase tickets through that particular distribution channel. Find out more. Why do tickets sell out so...