Understanding The 3 Phases Of Inflammation - InHome Physical Therapy & Massage | Edmonton & Calgary
The body’s response to injury is called inflammation. Physical traumas such as sprain, strain, or bruise are most common, whereas injuries can also occur from bacterial or viral infections, heat, or any sort of chemical injury. Trauma causes direct damage to cells in the immediate area of injury, causing bleeding. A stream of events is initiated due to bleeding that results in the inflammatory process, which promotes healing of the injured tissue.Acute and chronic are terms commonly used to refer to the duration of the length of the problem, giving inaccurate information about the actual stage of inflammation. Progression from acute to chronic inflammation can result from persistent injury or individual factors such as diabetes, corticosteroid use, blood disorders, etc.Inflammatory Response: Acute swelling stage (Phase 1)This is a fundamental type of response by the body to disease and injury. It is characterized by the classical signs of pain, heat, redness, and swelling. Inflammation...