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Policy on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol :: The Pathfinder - UNM Student Handbook

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Adopted by the President August 3, 1990Revised September 11, 1992Subject to Change Without NoticeThis Policy on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol is adopted pursuant to federal laws and because of the commitment of The University of New Mexico to an environment for the pursuit of its educational mission free of drugs and the illegal use of alcohol. Drug and alcohol abuse on campus poses a serious threat to the health and welfare of faculty, staff and students; impairs work and academic performance; jeopardizes the safety and well-being of other employees, students and members of the general public; and conflicts with the responsibility of The University of New Mexico to foster a healthy atmosphere for the pursuit of education, research and service.This policy covers all property owned, used, leased or controlled by The University of New Mexico, or any other site where official University business is being conducted. "Controlled substances" means those substances in Schedules I through V of sec...


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