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Functions of Stem, Structure, and Types of Stem with Videos

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Anatomy of Flowering Plants The main functions of stems are to support and elevation of leaves, fruits, and flowers. Stem arranges leaves in a way that it gets direct sunlight to perform photosynthesis. Xylem and Phloem conduct water across the plant. Stems stores food, water, and nutrients. Cells of a stem, meristems, produce new living tissues. Underground stem, Aerial stem, and subaerial stem are three different types of Stem. A stem has many important functions it performs other than letting you climb a tree. Let us take an in-depth look at the stem of plants.Suggested Videos ').appendTo(this.scroller));n2const.rtl.isRtl?(this.previous=this.$widget.find(".nextend-thumbnail-next").on("click",this.previousPane.bind(this)),$widget.find(".nextend-thumbnail-previous").on("click",this.nextPane.bind(this))):(this.previous=this.$widget.find(".nextend-thumbnail-previous").on("click",this.previousPane.bind(this)),$widget.find(".nextend-thumbnail-next").on("click...


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