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The Making of Todd Anthony Tyler and Live talk on Wonder.Wiki (App).

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My career path has always been focused on what I felt most passionate about. Maybe that is not always the wisest choice but when I was younger and I had a little look around me, it seemed like everyone was doing their job simply as a means to an end. They were living solely for those precious two days called the weekend which is when they were actually too exhausted to truly enjoy it and spent most if it trying to catch up on sleep or laying sluggishly on the couch. I wanted to have a career that had me jumping out of bed each day excited with what the day of work would lie ahead and of course, while also making a reasonable income. I have always been an artist at heart, whether it is painting, sculpting, carving or photography. I felt like I was born to create. I was driven to create and I was pretty good at it. It was really on the second point of making a reasonable income that initially stopped me from going to arts school or photography school. The idea of being a "starving artist...


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