Expert Advice on How to Care for Permed Hair - wikiHow
CategoriesPersonal Care and StyleHair CareRegular Hair CareDownload ArticleExplore this Articleparts1Letting Your Hair Settle2Washing Your Hair3Using Sensible Styling Techniques4Touching Up Your Hair+Show 1 more...-Show less...Other SectionsVideoTips and WarningsRelated ArticlesReferencesArticle SummaryCo-authored byCourtney FosterLast Updated: May 28, 2024ApprovedDownload ArticleGetting a perm involves using chemicals to permanently reshape your hair. A perm, or permanent wave, can be great way to alter kinky or curly hair, or to help get rid of lanky, or straight hair. Because getting a perm requires applying strong chemicals to your hair, the process can damage your locks if you don’t use proper care. By letting your perm settle immediately after the perm, washing it gently, and using sensible styling techniques, you can care for permed hair.Part 1Part 1 of 4:Letting Your Hair SettleDownload Article1Touch your hair sparingly. It can be tempting play with your new curls or waves. But...