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How Far Did Arnold Palmer Drive The Golf Ball?

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During the 1950s and 60s Arnold Palmer was the most popular player in men’s professional golf. He had “an army” of followers in the USA and he earned enormous respect from golf fans on this side of the pond through his performances in, and respect for, The Open championship in the early 1960s.Palmer won 62 times on the PGA Tour between 1955 and 1973. He won an incredible 95 tournaments overall in professional golf. Through the 1960s he finished in the top-10 in 25 of the 37 Majors in which he played – an astonishing record.Palmer was known for his strength and was famous for his piercing, powerful long irons. He was also an excellent driver of the golf ball.Unfortunately, when Palmer was playing in his prime the PGA Tour did not keep statistics like it does today. Now we have a huge amount of data showing how far and accurately each of the players on the main circuits hit the ball, not only with regards driving but from tee to cup. That information doesn’t exist for Palmer in his pomp,...


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