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Roots to Blossoms: The Importance of Family History

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Roots play an important role in the life of all blooming plants. There’s so much that’s required for a small plant to grow, and a system of healthy, grounded roots is the lifeline.Family roots are a lot like the roots of a plant! Personal family history is complex but plays a principal role in our lives. Here are three things you can gain from understanding your roots. Context to your life Did you know that the roots actually change the soil around them to better help the plant grow? Likewise, your ancestors’ choices, experiences, beliefs, and culture all had an impact on their environment which has had some influence on your life today.During President Brian K. Ashton's inauguration, Sister Melinda Ashton shared how her family roots shaped her perspective on education: “Because my parents and grandmothers had all received university degrees, I thought it was normal and natural for me to receive one as well. I never had to agonize over the decision of whether I was capable of obtaining...


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