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Podcast Episode #331: Rankings Talk with BA’s Geoff Pontes

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Ian is back to talk about September rankings with special guest Geoff Pontes of Baseball America! Ian and Geoff start out by talking about Roman Anthony’s ascension to the top of the BA Top 100, Kristian Campbell’s rise, concerns they have with Marcelo Mayer and Kyle Teel’s outlook. They also discuss how strong the top 100 is right now and discuss where the Red Sox prospects stack up against others on the BA list. They conclude part one by talking about a few players Geoff saw in Portland recently including Mikey Romero and David Sandlin. After Geoff leaves, Ian stays on to briefly talk about the Red Sox recent moves, including the call-ups of Richard Fitts and Luis Guerrero. Finally, he goes through the new SoxProspect Rankings and discusses the notable risers and fallers and why those moves were made.

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A special thank you to The Ludlow Thieves for our intro/outro song, All the Money. Check them out on YouTube and Spotify.

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