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The Burger King Whopper song is a bop — we asked experts why

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Its lyrics, like poetry: WHOPPER, WHOPPER, WHOPPER, WHOPPER, JUNIOR, DOUBLE, TRIPLE WHOPPERArt. Pure art.AdvertisementThe Burger King Whopper song is a viral and inescapable phenomenon, driving memes and TikTok parodies while exasperating NFL fans across the country. You’ve probably heard it on your TV, web browser, or TikTok For You Page. And now you’re hearing it again, and again in your head.We spoke with music production, advertising, and meme experts to understand why it has such a hold on listeners.Where did the Whopper song come from?According to OKRP — the Chicago-based advertising agency that’s responsible for the song and the ad campaign — the tune is based on a 1970s Burger King jingle.OKRP announced its partnership with Burger King in April. Articles announcing the relationship said OKRP was hired to help reintroduce Burger King to audiences through new campaigns and messaging.The new “You Rule” ad series began airing in October. There are at least seven versions promoting...


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