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5 Reasons why Water Leak Detection is Important in a Data Center | Blogs

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Home / Resources / Blogs / 5 Reasons why Water Leak Detection is Important in a Data CenterHuge damage and loss occurs most frequently when leaks are undetected over extended periods. As what an infamous saying goes “A small leak will sink a great ship”. Even just a small unnoticed leak may cause tremendous damage to our crucial equipment and valuable assets.Leaks can waste water, damage your home or business critical equipment, and encourage unwanted organic growth. Without a water leak detection system, oftentimes problem goes undetected until it is too late. This is why monitoring any water build-up around critical areas is necessary, and a good and reliable water leak detection system is critically important.1. Averting structural and other damage to the propertyWater leaks in the ground can cause significant damage to the foundation of the facility, increase moisture within the structure and encourage the growth of mold and other infestations. All of these problems could prove to...


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