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How Much Data Do I Need? A Guide

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What is mobile phone data?Mobile data allows you to access the internet to play games online, stream TV and other videos, use social media and receive emails and other messages via apps on the go while you’re not connected to Wi-Fi. Mobile data connects you to the internet via 3G, 4G and 5G towers in your area, meaning you can stay connected away from home, work or other Wi-Fi hotspots. Read on to find out how much data you might use and how much you can expect to pay. How much data do I need on my phone?The quantity of data you need will depend on what you use your smartphone for, and also where you’re using it most. If you use your mobile phone to stream TV shows at home where you’re connected to Wi-Fi, you won’t use as much data as you would by streaming TV or films while travelling on a train or sitting on a park bench.If you play a lot of online games or stream videos on the go then you will use a lot of data, as games and heavy downloads tend to eat into your data allowance. Teth...


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