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Traditions & encounters : a global perspective on the past |

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Part 1. The early complex societies, 3500 to 500 B.C.E. Before history ; Early societies in Southwest Asia and the Indo-European migrations ; Early African societies and the Bantu migrations ; Early societies in South Asia ; Early society in mainland East Asia ; Early societies in the Americas and OceaniaPart 2. The formation of classical societies, ca. 500 B.C.E. to ca. 500 C.E. The empires of Persia ; The unification of China ; State, society, and the quest for salvation in India ; Mediterranean society : the Greek phase ; Mediterranean society : the Roman phase ; Cross-cultural exchanges on the silk roads : during the late classical eraPart 3. The postclassical era, 500 to 1000 C.E. The resurgence of empire in East Asia ; The expansive realm of Islam ; India and the Indian Ocean basin ; The two worlds of ChristendomPart 4. The acceleration of cross-cultural interaction, 1000 to 1500 C.E. Nomadic empires and Eurasian integration ; States and societies of Sub-Saharan Africa ; The incr...


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