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How Much Smoke Should I See During a Cook? - Z Grills® Blog

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March 24, 2022No Commentsz grillsWhen you smoke food, you might think that the more smoke you see, the better. In reality, this isn’t the case. In this article, we are going to address how much smoke you should expect to see—and what the benefits of different smoke levels are.Table of ContentsAdd a header to begin generating the table of contentsWhat is the Smoke Setting?The SMOKE setting is for smoking and adding smoke flavor to foods being cooked. It is a special mode that your Z Grills produces maximum smoke. In this mode, the temperature will swing between around 158Fto 194F with cycles of smoke released every 5 to 10 minutes.The first hour of cooking is a great time to use the SMOKE setting to ensure your meat gets that delicious smokey flavor. After one hour (or your desired length of time under an hour), bring your grill to a higher temperature to ensure your food is properly cooked. Check out our videoto learn about how to set up your Z Grills pellet smoker.Understanding Hot vs...


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