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Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago Hosts Panel on DE&I

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Report this article Dan Perkins Dan Perkins Published May 19, 2023 + Follow As both a business consultant specializing in supplier diversity, and a cultural historian, I have become a passionate observer of the growing trend among many organizations to merge supplier diversity into DE&I. I am fortunate to collaborate on several projects with Ralph Moore, founder of RGMA, Inc., a firm specializing in the development of world-class supplier diversity efforts in both the private and public sectors. Moore believes supplier diversity, a procurement-based business initiative, is distinct and separate from DE&I, which concentrates on matters pertaining to human resources and conditions of belonging. I agree with Moore’s assessment and welcome opportunities to highlight the distinction as well as to report on developments related to both supplier diversity and DE&I. On May 9, 2023, the Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago hosted an event, titled "Annual Reflection of the Progress of DE&I Social & Po...


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