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4 Lab Tests and Numbers to Know for Better Health

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You're at your annual physical and your doctor writes a script for some lab work. So, what is your doctor looking for? The truth is, many people don't ever know.You see, when your doctor writes the script, he checks off a lot of boxes that tell the lab what specific tests to run. Depending on your age, medical history, risk factors, symptoms and family history, your doctor customizes your lab tests to glean important information about your health, and if necessary, help diagnose and manage health conditions.Your lab work tells your doctor about important things about your health.When your body is healthy, there are specific levels (or ranges of values) that indicate a balance of fluids, chemicals, and hormones. If you have a disease or condition, these levels can change and cause symptoms. Lab tests and profiles are important because they can help to find these imbalances and lead to treatments to restore your optimal health.Now, after you get your blood drawn, that tiny little tube ge...


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