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Tom Hanks’ cat in ‘A Man Called Otto’ is a mix of live-action, greenscreen and CG - befores & afters

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Behind the invisible effects for the cat, environments, weather and de-ageing in the film.Marc Forster’s A Man Called Otto is most certainly not a visual effects film, but it does feature a wide variety of key invisible effects work.A number of techniques were used to bring the stray cat taken in by Otto (Tom Hanks) to life, including greenscreen shooting and CG. Then there were a raft of environment extensions including a train platform and a suburban location of the film, plus dealing with weather continuity.Visual effects supervisor Janelle Ralla breaks down the work for before & afters.b&a: This is sometimes my favorite kind of film where I feel like it’s absolutely all about invisible effects. Is there something you can say about working on a film like that and the early kinds of conversations you might have had with Marc Forster about it?Janelle Ralla: Marc is such a lovely director to work for. He is so concise and kind. I joined the film quite late in the process. Marc called a...


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