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15 Most Common Cognitive Distortions Leading To Anxiety And Depression

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“I am not good at anything.”“He must surprise me on my bday.”“She didn’t call me, neither did I. It’s her fault completely.”We all might have thought this way in one or the other situation at some point in our lives. These thought patterns generally represent thought distortions. Random habitual errors in thinking, like the examples presented above, are common. But, when this kind of distorted thinking starts to paint the picture of our daily lives, that’s when it becomes alarming! Persistent and frequent cognitive distortions might lead to increased anxiety, relationship conflicts, depression, and health issue concerns.When you have cognitive distortions, you have negative thoughts bubbling up, followed by it, you feel and react according to it. This creates a never-ending loop! We often tend to track down the causes of our mental health conditions like genetics, life situations, and others. A cognitive distortion is one in the list. Many therapies focus on cognitive distortions and t...


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