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Celeste features a variety of collectibles that are scattered around its chapters. Many of them servedifferent purposes and some of them can only be found in specific places, adding for an extra challenge for players who are willing to conquer it.Contents1 Strawberries1.1 Red Strawberry1.1.1 Strawberry Seeds1.2 Winged Strawberry1.3 Golden Strawberry1.4 Winged Golden Strawberry1.5 Moon Berry2 Crystal Hearts3 Cassettes4 TriviaStrawberries[]Strawberries are basic collectibles that can be found in every chapter and they appear in several different types. They don't serve any sort of purpose apart from giving the player an extra challenge and to fill up stats. Collecting 175 strawberries however, unlocks the "Impress Your Friends" achievement. The amount of collected Strawberries also affect which ending the player will get in Epilogue.Red Strawberry[] Red Strawberries are the most common berry in the game. They appear in every A-Side, with the exception of Chapter 6: Reflection, and the DL...


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