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How Long Will My Swelling Last After the P-Shot®?

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The P-Shot® is an exciting erectile dysfunction treatment that can boost your ability to have an erection. It can also enhance the overall girth and size of the penile area. Board-certified physician Dr. Mukhtar Anees of Med Spa At Seena One offers the P-Shot to our patients in Fort Worth and Burleson, TX to help boost sexual performance. One popular part of the P-Shot is that it doesn’t produce many side effects. There will be some swelling, but it will last for less than a week in most situations. The design of the P-Shot will keep this and other effects from lasting too long, as it uses your body’s natural platelet-rich plasma to restore the penile area. How does the P-Shot work? The P-Shot uses platelet-rich plasma or PRP that comes from your body. We can draw a small amount of blood from your body, then we will insert the vial into a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the rest of the sample. We will then inject the PRP into your penile area, allowing the compound to restore tissu...


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