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What Is the P-Shot?

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What is a P-Shot?A Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) is an experimental type of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection for treating conditions that affect your penis and increasing sexual performance. In other parts of the body, healthcare providers typically use PRP injections to help treat injured:Muscles.Joints.Tendons.Ligaments.In those instances, providers use a needle to remove blood from a vein (usually an arm) and separate the platelets from the rest of your blood. Platelets help your blood clot and heal wounds. They then inject your own platelets into the damaged area of your body to promote healing. During a P-Shot, providers inject the platelet-rich plasma directly into your penis.There are many claims about the benefits of P-Shots for penile-related conditions, including erections.However, these reports aren’t from healthcare providers or medical researchers. Clinical trials don’t show that the P-Shot improves erections, and it’s expensive. But there aren’t many side effects to the P-S...


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