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When Do They Finally Give Up?

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When do the players and owners put an end to all this? How can they even try to pursue this thing anymore?

You can look at this attempt to play a couple of ways. Give them all credit for trying to have some kind of a season. They made an effort. Good for them. That’s one take. Another take is this is just a dishonest way for owners and players to cut some of their financial losses which is all the game of baseball is to them anyway. And that it was doomed to fail from the beginning and they have playing baseball fans for fools.

But at some point, either way this all just begins to look ridiculous. You don’t know what the virus will do next. You already know it is spreading again. You have no idea if "herd immunity" even exists against this unorthodox virus. You already know that fans and the ballpark experience is not happening. The rule book for playing and dealing with the virus is probably bigger now than the entire MLB rule book governing the game.

You don’t know what players you’ll have on your team from day to day and week to week. You don’t know if some teams will decide on their own to shut down for the "season" due to heavy infections. How can you play a season like that?

Or, does everyone in MLB just push their heads forward and say, "We’re going to play on even if we only have two teams left playing in a month and there's only 7 guys on the field!"

Baseball is fighting an opponent that it does not understand and one that does not follow any rules. You can’t win against such an opponent.

Look, by some miracle this virus thing could magically disappear quickly. Or, it’s also possible that no vaccine or treatment will work against it because the virus mutates. And that means that there MAY NOT BE BASEBALL IN 2021, EITHER.

Years ago, many MLB players had to get jobs in the offseason to make ends meet before they all became millionaires in the current era. Will we go back to those days again when MLB players have to get real jobs again because the big money river dried up?

The biggest names are set for life whatever happens. But everyone else has some real soul-searching to do.

And all the while, there’s a virus out there that’s laughing at us and taking a sledgehammer to what we knew as normal life.

And don’t be surprised if you see somebody in a Sox uniform delivering packages or pizzas around town one day soon.


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