Grey and tiny but clean early
Hello Friends,
Another grey old day to start. There are tiny waves around at NE exposures though. The wind was SW for the first session and a waist high wave face wasn’t totally out of the question at the better spots.
The wind’s set to swing around to the NE this afternoon and sadly the Bureau tells us, swell heights are going to decline too. Tomorrow and Monday aren’t looking too exciting either. But with any luck you’ll be able to get another grovel in Sunday morning. Monday on the other hand is set to be showery and southerly 15-20 kts. We’re due to get a mix of south and NE swell that could offer a possibility in the protected south corners.
We’re all watching the cyclone of course, and this morning’s run of the swell models shows the energy levels bumping up toward the 2 metre mark from the east by Wednesday (but with ESE wind) and then maybe building to near three metres on Thursday (ECMWF) – or fading quickly back to 1.5 metres on Thursday (GFS model). In other words, who knows for sure? That’s cyclones for ya!
Go well and have fun!