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Waves for Tuesday morning

0 2027

Hello Friends,

Light NW wind at 0900 and chest to shoulder high set waves to go with it at Dee Why beach. As with yesterday, it was fairly shutty-downy and busy, but there were definitely a few makeable ones in the mix for the 20 or so people working the main peak. Over at the point it was a repeat of yesterday as well, with smaller on average waves and much longer waits between sets. Next tide of the day is 1.53m high at 1205. Swell at sea was 1.6m at 10 seconds and coming from the SE.
The Bureau says it’ll be NE around midday.
Here’s hoping for tomorrow morning, when we could have cloudy skies but some residual south swell and reasonable winds for the early. There’s an 80% chance of showers and then it looks as though we’re in for another stretch of La Nina rainy weather for at least a week. Hope it doesn’t make the water woofy again as it’s only just getting reasonable looking again (Beachwatch says most spots are unlikely to be polluted this morning).

Go well and stay safe!


Weather Situation

A ridge along the New South Wales coast will move east into the Tasman Sea over the coming days, ahead of a southerly change expected Wednesday. Generally easterly flow, with a slow moving trough near the coast, dominates thereafter.

Forecast for Tuesday until midnight

Variable about 10 knots becoming north to northeasterly 15 to 20 knots in the middle of the day.
Below 1 metre, increasing to 1 to 1.5 metres during the afternoon.
Southeasterly 1.5 to 2 metres.
Mostly sunny.

Wednesday 23 March

Northerly 15 to 20 knots shifting southerly 20 to 25 knots in the middle of the day.
1 to 1.5 metres, increasing to 1.5 to 2 metres around midday.
Southeasterly 1 to 1.5 metres, tending southerly around 1 metre by early evening.
Partly cloudy. 60% chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm inshore in the morning, possibly severe.

Thursday 24 March

Southeasterly 15 to 20 knots turning easterly 10 to 15 knots during the afternoon.
1.5 to 2 metres, decreasing to 1 metre during the morning.
Southerly 1.5 to 2 metres, decreasing to 1 to 1.5 metres during the morning.
Cloudy. 90% chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening.


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