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Messy and small but not flat

0 7

Hello Friends,

Around midnight the wind shifted from dead south to SSW and this morning saw choppy, lumpy but side-offshore at places like Dee Why and Manly. It was really small at the latter, but there were definitely waist-plusses at the south end of Dee Why. Weirdly, south Curly was smaller. Swell out at sea was 2.7 metres at 10 seconds from 155° (SSE) and wind as of 0900 when I took the pictures, was 10-20 kts SW.

The wind is set to go back to the south before long and the swell should start getting in a bit more too. The Bureau tells us that tomorrow will be southerly 20-30 kts and that the swell should bump up a little more. Then on Friday they are telling us to expect SE 20-30 kts with up to 3 metres of SE swell. Not many options for that combo, sadly.

The long range models currently show the 3+ metre, 10-11 sec SE swell continuing into the middle of next week. Unfortunately the wind will stay out of the S-SSE at 10-15 kts across most of that period (it may get a touch of SW on Tuesday). We might bet more favourable winds on Weds-Thrs, but the swell will be slacking off as well.

Anyway, let’s see what the mighty goat has to say later today…

Go well, mask up indoors with others, and get your booster jab asap!

Small and junky at Curly
Lone wave hunter, south Curly
Lumpy and choppy but sections to be had just north of the club at Dee Why
Long wait for this little one at the point

Weather Situation

A cold front has brought a strong and gusty southerly change to central and northern waters today. Fresh to strong southeasterly winds are likely to persist for the remainder of the week and during the weekend, generating large waves.

Forecast for Thursday until midnight

Strong Wind Warning for Thursday for Sydney Coast

Southerly 20 to 30 knots.
1.5 to 2.5 metres.
Southerly 1 to 1.5 metres inshore, increasing to 1.5 to 2 metres offshore.
Cloudy. 70% chance of showers.

Friday 4 February

Strong Wind Warning for Friday for Sydney Coast

Southerly 20 to 30 knots tending southeasterly during the day.
2 to 2.5 metres.
1st Swell
Southerly 1.5 to 2 metres, tending southeasterly 2 to 2.5 metres around midday.
2nd Swell
Easterly around 1 metre.
Partly cloudy. 60% chance of showers.

Saturday 5 February

Southeasterly 20 to 30 knots.
1.5 to 2 metres.
Southeasterly 2.5 to 3 metres.
Partly cloudy. 50% chance of showers.


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