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BSUPA 2021 AGM Minutes

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Enclosed is the detail of the BSUPA 2021 AGM Minutes.

AGM Participation Overview

Directors Present:
SB –
Simon Basset (Chairman)
AG – Andy Gratwick
AS – Anni Ridsdill Smith (Hosting the AGM) AT – Andrew Tee (Minute taking)
PG – Paul Gellender
DM – Dom Moore

*Neil Harper running the Zoom technical aspects and screen sharing presentations 31 attendees in total.

AGM Minutes

1. Welcome.

AS opened with a welcome to all attendees and talked through the format of the meeting and agenda.
AS Introduced each board member to the meeting, with each board member then in turn introducing themselves to the group.

AS gave a reminder of the missions and goals of BSUPA.

2. Apologies.

No apologies.

3. Agree draft minutes from last meeting (AS & All).

AS explained that a 2020 AGM had not happened due to the Covid Pandemic.

The board had agreed the 2019 AGM minutes, and these are available to view on the website.

4. Chairman’s Update (SB).

SB started by thanking all in attendance. There have been several changes in the background of BSUPA with technical developments, and a new HQ at Sandbanks.

The sport of SUP is growing hugely, and we see it entering a new phase with thousands of new people now taking part.

This poses major safety problems for participants in the sport and for BSUPA as a guiding organisation.

SB reiterated that the BSUPA coaching and training system is designed to keep the sport safe. Safety continues to be our main priority.

It was noted that the NHS are now recognising the health benefits of SUP and recommending it as a healthy activity.

BSUPA have been in discussion with GBSUP about the future of SUP racing in the UK and how we might work together. Most SUP racing events are still on hold at the moment.

SB highlighted that the new BSUPA board are working well together, and we have a passionate team of Directors who are all working in the SUP industry and bringing knowledge and enthusiasm to the board.

BSUPA looks to grow and develop the individual benefits of BSUPA membership and to continue developing the Instructor training programme.

Thanks from SB to the board members and to everyone attending the AGM.

5. BSUPA Update (AG):

• Accounts & HQ

introduced the new BSUPA HQ at Sandbanks that opened this year and provides a new home

for the administration of the organisation with dedicated office space for BSUPA staff. The BSUPA HQ can now host Instructor training, courses, conferences and future AGM’s.

AG talked through the financial report and accounts. BSUPA is in a healthy growth cycle with £40k turnover, and £5k profit. 2021 turnover expected to be £47k.

AG explained our status as a Limited Company (not for profit) rather than charity status following a question from the group.

The current funds available of c.£23k means we have the ability to fund ongoing and new projects.

• Membership

The organisation looks healthy with growing numbers of members, Instructors, schools and clubs.

Current membership stands at c.1700 members.

• Schools

2021 has been a turbulent year for the school network with forced closures due to Covid, and schools experiencing very busy times as they were able to re-open. There are 92 recognised BSUPA Schools and this number continues to rise.

• ITC Courses

There is an active Instructor network of c.1000 qualified Instructors with c.525 actively working within the Industry in the UK.

We now have 15 Trainers delivering ITCs across the UK.

• Membership System
AG discussed the work on the automated membership system which will include a real-time list of

qualified Instructors. Hopefully, the system will go live soon.

• Events

No events due to Covid restrictions.

• Insurance
BSUPA is insured through Blue Fin Insurance and AG said that we continue to have a good

relationship with them and that the coverage and policy remains competitive and comprehensive.

• Wing

AG gave an update on the growing popularity of wing surfing and the development of the Wing Instructor training course. Sam Ross and AG have been running the Wing ITC throughout the year. Wing is a huge area of growth in the sport with participation numbers growing quickly across the country.

6. Board Elections
explained that no nominations had been received and no re-elections were due at this time.

7. AOB.

Instructor Revalidation: Due to Covid there are no plans for a conference with revalidation sessions until 2022. Remote validation is available and will give Instructors a 12-month extension.

Thanks to all and close led by AS with thanks for the BSUPA administration team and all AGM attendees.

The post BSUPA 2021 AGM Minutes appeared first on BSUPA.


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