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Into The Mystic: Sterling Spencer Wants You To Join His Dance, And You Should…

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I came of age in the mid-to late 60’s as a surfer and a human being. A  str8-up Summer Of Love-er, long haired, teenaged Hippie Surfer, lysergic loving, herb aficionado, Nixon / Kent State / Nam hatin’, Fillmore East goin’, Grateful Dead lovin, peace sign throwin’, let it all hang out to the max Age Of Aquarius kinda guy along with millions of others in my60’s g-g-g-g-generation. Sterling Spencers newest drop, Join The Dance, for whatever cinematic reasons, brings me back. Back to some of the best, most carefree times of my entire life where everything on a surfboard seemed possible and not much was out of bounds spiritually, sexually or self exploration-wise. Dunno why but it does but I dig the shit out of this freewheeling, freeform long play by one of surf medias alternative, non-formulaic players that would have fit right in right in with our blacklight lit day-go posters and Incense And Peppermint times . Turn on, tune in and dig on The Dance. – Mez –



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