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Sick-quence! William Hedleston Tastes Some Jersey Juice

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“Florida has the oranges but Jersey has the juice” is a decades old,  ( mostly ) good natured saying from back when there was a distinct North versus South mindset when Florida used to get all the accolades, recognition and precious magazine coverage which most of the rest of us “Northerners” thought was total bullshit. But, as those decades rolled on, and more above the Mason-Dixon Line photographic evidence started hitting the only two monthly surf pubs in existence at the time, perceptions slowly started changing. Soon thereafter the rest of the surfing world – and especially our Sunshine State Southern brethren –  began to see just how much ( much ) better the waves were in places like New Jersey where young Floridian firebrand William Hedleston was photographed by his pop’s, Brett squeezing every last bit of Jersey juice – pulp, seeds and all – from this Garden State barrel. – Mez –


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