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Another protestor chained themselves to the basket during the Timberwolves-Grizzlies game

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When it comes to fan disruptions at sporting events, what could possibly be more surprising than gluing yourself to the court? How about chaining yourself to the basket stanchion.

Yup, you read that correctly.

It sounds ridiculous and is something you’d never even imagine happening at a sporting event of any magnitude, but it’s exactly what happened on Saturday afternoon when a protestor chained herself to the basket stanchion and delayed Game 1 of Grizzlies-Timberwolves before being carried out by security.

Not coincidentally, this latest protestor was linked to the aforementioned glue protest that occurred in Tuesday’s Wolves-Clippers play-in game.

Here’s the video:

The incident came shortly after ESPN’s plethora of technical difficulties that marred everyone’s viewing experience for parts of the first quarter.

What a start it’s been to the NBA’s postseason, eh? Let’s cautiously brace ourselves for the next wild scene.


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