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2025 HWS – Australian Team

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The proposed team is available here on the web site.

If any member would like to lodge an appeal, the selection criteria allows 7 days (168 hours) for the appeal to be lodged. Please lodge any appeal in writing to the Secretary by 9:15pm 15 March 2025. Any appeal received after this time will be rejected.

The Appeals Committee will consider each appeal and the final teams posted to the web site.

From the Team Selection Criteria

Any aggrieved members may appeal against their non-selection for a team.
An appeal shall be made by lodging a letter with the Regional Director setting out all the grounds upon which a person believes they should be selected for a team in preference to a selected candidate.
The letter may be sent by post, facsimile or electronic mail but will only be considered if received by the Regional Director not more than one week (168 hours) after the time recorded in the announcement on the IPSCA website.

The appeal shall be considered by an Appeals Committee consisting of:
• The Regional Director,
•One member of the Team Selection Committee who is a Section Coordinator, selected by the Regional Director drawing a name from a hat; and
• One member of the Team Selection Committee who is not a Section Coordinator, selected by the Regional Director drawing a name from a hat.

However, where any member of the Team Selection Committee is a member of the team against which the appeal is being made, the member shall be ineligible for consideration for the Appeals Committee.
In the case of an appeal, all the listed Appeals Committee members shall have equal voting rights.
When considering an appeal:
• The Appeals Committee may decide to decline the appeal after considering only the appellant’s submission, or
• If the Appeal Committee believes that there may be grounds to change a nominated team, the committee must invite the person that may be eliminated from the relevant team to lodge a written submission with the Appeals Committee. The person has one week to lodge a submission with details on why they should remain on the team in preference to the appellant.

As soon as possible after the submission is lodged, or after the submission period expires, the Appeals Committee shall decide the appeal.


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