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Albany Police Department holds press conference on city's recent shootings

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ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The Albany Police Department held a press conference on Wednesday to discuss the city's recent shootings. Police Chief Brendan Cox and Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan led the conference.

The city of Albany has seen a rash of shootings in recent weeks. Most recently, on Tuesday, two teenagers were reportedly injured in a shooting on Myrtle Avenue.

Police also began investigating three shooting incidents on Monday. In an early morning shooting, now classified as a homicide by authorities, a 21-year-old was killed after being shot in the head, police said. Later in the day, a 19-year-old was injured in an alleged shooting near Grand and Market Streets, and police began investigating a separate incident of gunfire on Madison Avenue.

Additionally, on Jan. 30, a 30-year-old man was reportedly shot in the groin on Central Avenue. He later died from his injuries, officials said.


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