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Club Dinghies now available for Hire

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Update, 10 June: The Club has determined that a forecast mean windspeed of 14 knots is the maximum allowed to take a hire boat on the water. See Hire Page update for more details. 

If you have booked and paid, but wind is forecast over the limit on the day, please contact me and I will record a credit against your next hire.

Club dinghies may be hired once again from Friday 29 May. Bookings are open as of now.

There are now 14 dinghies available for hire, each clearly numbered for identification. 

The Hire Dinghies page of the website has been considerably revised. Please be sure to read the new page before hiring your boat, because a number of changes have been made in order to enable all members to hire safely at a time when Covid-19 precautions are essential to safeguard both you and the hirer who comes after you (not to mention volunteer members undertaking any maintenance needed).

The disinfection protocol is drawn up as required by the RYA and must be adhered to.

You will see that hire fee payments involving handling of cash are not possible at this time. If you are not happy undertaking a bank transfer of the fee and wish to pay by cheque, please contact me.

The book for reporting faults or breakages is now in the Members' Room porch, thus avoiding any need for Members to enter the room at the present time.

I will update this article if necessary as the situation evolves.

Bon voyage!

Richard Fryer, Dinghy Hire Coordinator, 27 May



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