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With new guidance and data arriving almost every day, it may take time for the conditions to stabilize enough so we can have confidence in our plans.  It will also take time to implement new procedures. But please know that our goal is to get you back sailing as soon as it is safe.

Our bosun Gary is continuing to work on the keelboats and Chris is checking on the small boats each week to make sure the boats stay secure and afloat. Thank you to both for their service to the fleet! If you do happen to be at the marina and notice a problem with one of the boats or on the dock, please let Gary know at

On a related topic, the Covid-19 Committee met again on Monday, May 4. We are developing a phased approach to re-starting sailing and will update you as that takes shape. Most likely limited keelboat sailing on Sundays can start in just a few weeks, followed by the return of small boat sailing. We will continue to monitor the situation and will expand both programs as soon as the public health conditions allow. For now though, we are begging for your help and patience, which are crucial in keeping everyone safe.

Lastly, If you have any questions or information you would like to share with the Covid-19 committee, please send an email to me at and I will bring it to the May 18 meeting. 

On behalf of the BAADS Board and Members, thank you.  

Keep calm, carry on, wash your hands, be of good cheer.

– Charles 


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