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Clubman of the Year Announced

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On Saturday 21st September Luctonians President, Richard Corbett, was delighted to announce our recipient of the Clubman’s Award for the 2023 – 2024 season.

The Clubman’s Award is the club’s most prestigious award and goes to someone who has gone above and beyond for the club, and truly embodies what it means to be a Luctonian.

We are delighted to announce that the recipient of the award for the 2023 – 2024 season is Wayne Symonds.

Wayne’s first involvement with Luctonians was as a club contact for our main sponsors at the time, Euroheat. He quickly stepped up to volunteer and undertook a coaching position for his son’s team.

Wayne has continued to help coach his son’s age group but has also undertaken the mammoth task of being our Director of Youth Sport/Junior Chair for the last two seasons and is currently in this 3rd and final season.

In addition to this, he also sits on our new Volunteers Committee and is involved in our cricket section, where he has also previously been a coach.

On Senior Match days you will find him being the Ball boy/girl coordinator, and throughout the past few years, he has also been Knocker’s assistant groundsman when required.

Whenever there is a setup required for a big event at the club Wayne is always here lending a hand, be it the Mini Festival or Sundogs. He goes well above and beyond the scope of the Junior Chair/Director of Youth Sport role lending a hand to the Operations Team whenever he can and has been a massive asset to this club over recent years.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Wayne for his contribution to our great club over the years and congratulate him on his award.

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