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Halifax Panthers • Re: Accounts

Listen up makes some very valid points, the ‘rot’ started way back in the 80’s when Sundays became another working day, for myself at that time I had to work on a Sunday this stopped me from attending many games, maybe you could blame the government of the day for allowing Sunday trading!
Whilst I am sure were Fax more successful additional local sponsors would see it as a marketing opportunity, however with very little outside exposure in media terms and companies having to carefully consider where to advertise Rugby league comes way down the list.
I am not an avid Halifax Courier reader, however the coverage of any sport bar association football is pathetic. It is not as though the football is tearing up a pathway to the Premier League.
Another point that has been made over and over, why can’t both Football and Rugby form a partnership?, one reason from reports I read and read between the lines so to speak, whilst there are bigoted board directors of one or other of the clubs(allegedly) this will never happen.
Again I am not privy to how the Council run the Shay or the terms of the contract signed, but not having a profit share from bar takings?, and dining packages circa £50 a pop, where do the contractors think ordinary people have that spare change in this day and age?
I do not claim to have the answers but as my dear mum used to say to me and my siblings, if I knocked your heads together would it put some sense into them, take note all 3 protagonists ( football,rugby,council) because if professional sport dies in Halifax so does a lot of free advertising as little as it may be in the media, unless the Piece Hall is going to be the saviour and future of Halifax.
You may and will be correct in saying, “ you left here, why do you care?” Yes I did but I am a proud Halifaxian and would love to shove down other expats throats that we have a town to be proud of, especially a rugby league team.
End of sermon

Statistics: Posted by the fax in asia — Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:51 am


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