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Halifax Panthers • Re: Merger with Huddersfield?

As a fan of a SL Club, I don't understand the struggles that Championship and League 1 Clubs go through. We've never had to worry about finances or attendance, attracting quality players etc. But I am curious about something...

At what point do clubs and fans have to concede that merging with other Teams might just be the only way to go?

Of course the Halifax fans here don't want to start calling themselves Huddersfield Giants fans, but what about West Yorkshire for example. A new name that includes both of you. And maybe that could even extend to Batley and Dewsbury (if they'd even be classed as 'West', I don't know). But if those 4 clubs merged into something new, you could be looking at a potential average attendance of 8,558, whilst still having something to believe in that unites all of those fans.

It does sound horrible, I know. I just don't know at what point a clubs own fanbase has to concede that there aren't enough fans to sustain a club anymore.

I'm more than happy to be educated on anything. I encourage all opinions and perspectives on the life of a Championship club. Always eager to learn and understand.

Statistics: Posted by KineticRL — Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:46 am


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