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Halifax Panthers • Re: Accounts

Tony Fax wrote:

Fax's financial performance over the last 10 years is as follows:

2023 - Loss (£191,974)
2022 - Loss (£316,827)
2021 - Loss (£83,255)
2020 - Profit £171,077
2019 - Profit £56,191
2018 - Profit £463
2017 - Loss (£7,187)
2016 - Profit £80,343
2015 - Loss (£39,173)
2014 - Loss (£135,685)

I think the lucrative "qualifiers" didn't start until 2015, but I stand to be corrected. I just remember 2014 as the season Karl Harrison was sacked and we lost a play off match 29-0 against Dewsbury at the Shay with Muzza as interim coach.

The big profit in 2020 was during covid when the players were furloughed (so claimed back their wages) and many fans didn't ask for season ticket refunds despite the lock down.

The CC semi against Saints probably contributed to a 2019 profit.

Quite obvious though that the loss of central funding (or significant decrease - I've no idea how it's distributed to the Championship clubs, if at all, since the SL pigs have their snouts in the trough) is a killer. Desperately need the Championship to get some big sponsor but very unlikely without some sort of TV coverage - even a "scrumdown" type programme with Channel 4 would help, not too much to ask!

As before the Champ & Champ 1 clubs will find out this month how much CF there allocated.
Media exposure through TV is a must to bring in sponsor ship with their names / logos being on display on the kit and around the stadium for the cameras.
Problem is not all clubs can agree on it, this years proposal was voted against by the likes of Bradford and Fev and although the RFL had the power to bring it anyway they chose not do so and upset there big buddies at the Bulls.

Gledhill made me laugh as when it was first announced he called it a great lucrative deal until his club voted against it because of fear of losing bums on seats then it quickly changed to a bad idea.

So we limp along on the sidelines in the ever lengthening shadows.

If only Simon Grix had stayed away or better still been a local footballer then it would be FC Town with all these problems.

Incidentally speaking to Dave Singer a lot recently who’s still avidly supporting Town and he sends his regards.

Statistics: Posted by faxcar — Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:21 am


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