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Hull FC • Re: On to Cas

This was about the poorest effort I’ve seen in a long time
Grix can’t be part of the future

The players clearly don’t give 2 figs about what he says or what he stands for !
He’s a ‘zombie’ coach

How can Grix even blame the players ?
It starts with him

Imagine JC blaming the players after being in charge 10 matches
It’s always the coach !
Just look at London winning promotion last year against all the odds
Look at Rowley working miracles at Salford
Look at Wellens !!!! In reverse

Grix needs to go back to FAX as he’s way way out of his depth at FC

We need Leaders not perfume coaches - ie they smell ok but no substance !

I can’t stress this enough as what I saw v Cas was a level of garbage it’s hard to ever remember seeing

Statistics: Posted by Tarquin Fuego — Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:43 pm


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